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How To Stop All Spam Messages And Calls From Nigerian Network Using Binga

It can be so annoying when you are expecting a
life changing sms from the place you recently went
for an interview when an infected spamming call
now pop in from Airtel Advertisement or you've
been expecting a congratulation sms or an alert
from your bank you now receive a congratulation message from 33181, 35020, 33115, 35685
you that your number "08065046***"
as been qualified to receive free health tips for one week for just #100.
I call this an invasion of privacy or you can call it what a Hebrew man call "oikodomeo ".
The most annoying aspect of it is when a
professional number calling you from Glo or Airtel
not knowing that it is a Robot calling you to
advertise their plans… but why can't our telecom
stop this spamming calls and messages? Well, there is a solution here if you are equally
tired of such infectious, infected and barbaric text
messages & calls from our telecom network.

Binga app is an android application recently
developed by a concern individual to help combat
this unwanted spammy messages. It's designed to actively protect your phone from all unsolicited
SMS messages on all Nigerian GSM networks.

Why Should I Use Binga App?

==>It is free to download and easy to use

==>It runs in the background to fight every
detected spam messages

==>It works on all android phones

==>It is a mobile police policing your data from

==>It does not require any registration at all.

==>It ensures that all your messages are from real
people and not demonic telecom robots

Where Can I Download This App?
You can download it here:

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details? id=com.lumoe.utilities.bluekeyid&hl=en_GB
if you are an android user or bb10 user
It's time to put an end to all those robotic text
messages popping into your phone without your
Now I need someone to build an app
that will equally stop that robo calls from Airtel and Glo network please…
If you are not using Binga then you are one of
those sending those spam messages... lol!

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